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    its been 6 months and im still not over this. easily best and most hilarious play in baseball history

  • for those who dont really understand:

    -the first baseman had no reason to chase Baéz, if he just stepped on the bag he was automatically out

    -theres two outs, so if hes out, the inning is over. even if the runner on second base gets home, the run doesnt count. its not until hes safe at first that the run scores

    -theres no specific rule in baseball about running backwards from first, just that you “cannot retreat to home base” meaning so long as if you dont touch the plate, its fine

    -Baéz ran backwards to kill enough to get the run to score, and then stole and extra base on the base on the bad throw



    what a fucking sport yall

  • Javier Baéz’s nickname according to those announcers is El Mago which is spanish for The Wizard

    Well earned

  • love how the explanations do not help at all

  • Let me see if I can break this down a little more.


    Javier Báez (the batter, a Chicago Cub, wearing blue) has just hit the ball. His job is now to run around the bases - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, back to where he started (“home”), at which point he will have scored a point. In practice, he will probably stop partway, wait for the next batter to get a hit, and try to make it home from there.

    The Pittsburgh Pirates (in white) are fielding. Their job is to stop the Cubs from scoring by getting them out, by various combinations of catching the ball and tagging people or bases with it.

    The scoreboard (top left) shows that one Cub has already made it to second base, so he will resume running now that Javy has a hit. It also shows that two Cubs are out. If a third Cub gets out, their turn to bat will be over, it will be the Pirates’ turn to bat, and the Cubs can’t score anymore (for now, but that’s not relevant).


    The Pirate at first base (the first baseman) has the ball. All he needs to do is step on first base while holding it before Javy gets there, and Javy is out. This is probably the number one most common thing a first baseman has to do.


    He does not do it.

    For some reason he starts chasing Javy, presumably trying to tag him with the ball directly. This is a perfectly legitimate way of getting him out, but also completely unnecessary.


    This has never happened to Javy before. Unsure what else to do, he just kind of… jogs backwards away from him.


    Meanwhile, the Cub who was at second base (Contreras) has made it all the way back to home. Because the Pirates’ first baseman has helpfully walked the ball back home, he can easily toss it to the Pirate at home (the catcher) who will tag Contreras out.


    The catcher doesn’t tag him in time.

    The umpire signals that Contreras is safe (not out).


    Javy also signals that Contreras is safe, just for fun. He’s never been nearby when a teammate makes it home before, and he’s enjoying himself.

    Notice that the score has not changed, even though Contreras made it home. That’s because Javy is still technically running to first base. If he gets out before he reaches it, the Cubs’ turn to bat is over, and nothing else that’s happened since he hit the ball matters.


    Javy remembers this, and heads back to first base. The catcher throws the ball to another Pirates fielder, who is frantically running to do the first baseman’s job.


    He doesn’t catch it.

    Javy is safe at first. Contreras scores (although the scoreboard won’t change for a second).


    Javy notices how far away that ball landed, and decides he can make it to second base before anyone picks it up and tags him out.


    An offscreen Pirate throws the ball to second base, where another Pirate is ready and waiting to catch it, tag Javy out, and end the Cubs’ turn to bat.


    He doesn’t catch it.

    Javy is safe at second. The video doesn’t show it, but he will go on to score as well.

    This should have been a very easy out for the Pirates, but through two dropped catches and one truly bizarre decision from the first baseman, they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and turned it into two points for the Cubs.

    The Cubs won this game by two points.

  • Baseball can be silly and the players can be silly and when they decide to be silly at the same time something unique and very funny happens.

  • Y’all talk weird on here. Sometimes I see a post and i agree but y’all talk weird so I’m like fuckYou.

  • image
  • That and “adulting” . You’re 32 .

  • Because when we meet someone who has such a visceral reaction to harmless slang we know to stay away from them because they are going to be one of those annoyingly immature people who still hasn’t figured out that growing up and abandoning child like simplicity and joy is an artificial concept created to shame the masses into conformity.

  • no one is going to respect you anyway, you know, so you might as well sound stupid on purpose and have a little fun with it. 

  • I carry a bb8 backpack and I dress like I’m from the 70’s. No one has ever taken me seriously in my life.

  • also a lot of them are references to memes that existed before a lot of these kids were born.

    We don’t stop having fun and joking around just because you think we’re too old for that. If your only experience with older people is with your unfun parents and uncles who only work and drink and make bigoted jokes then like, that sucks babe but thats also not my problem.

  • Also we’re tired and words is hard when you’re tired

  • You have to make your fun where you can.

  • “Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

    — C.S. Lewis

  • Not to mention?? The lexicon and grammatical particulars of online communication are freaking fascinating. There are different dialects and referential imagery that is so steeped in layers of meme evolution that you can literally see a picture of Obama’s eyes kind of half-hooded and know exactly what you’re supposed to feel and it’s so freaking cool because these forms of communication, they aren’t just “zomg random,” they actually do follow rules and have structural foundations that we’ve all somehow internalized, and we use them as a way of relating to one another in a text-based medium that could be, SHOULD be, incredibly stifling but it’s not, because we made it our own. We created new ways of speaking, of communicating with one another clearly even when we can’t see faces or read tone or body language, so that I can say to someone “I did a cool thing!!” online and be talking about the exact same thing I’m also referencing in that corporate email where I say “the objective was successfully completed” but those do not sound the same at all because they aren’t the same at all. One conveys my excitement, my pride, my happiness at achieving whatever goal I achieved, while the other is a polite, professional-sounding report to a superior, and the fact that they were both conveying the same idea in 5 words but in such different ways is freaking awesome, so frankly fuck you if you think I’m somehow ‘childish’ for enjoying that. 

    Online communication grew organically with my generation and it’s still growing today and it is a freaking playground, so hell yes I’m gonna use the swings and the slide and the monkey bars because it’s fun, and if you want to stand by the fence and scowl at me that’s all right, but it’s your problem, not mine. 

  • Audi E-Tron Escape Room

    The Audi E-Tron Room is the most ambitious project i’ve been a part of. At Antiloop Studios, we were tasked with creating several futuristic game experiences that synced seamlessly to create an amazing escape room for audi customers as a promotional tool. The developement took almost an entire year from conception to execution and the final result was a mind blowing experience that succeeded in causing the social media impact that Audi was aiming for.

    I was tasked with the creation and developement of 3 of the puzzles you see on the video, mixing Computer vision, Holographic screens, Hand tracking, NFC and a complex state syncronization between computers via OSC. The developement was done both with Unity3D and OpenFrameworks.

  • Antibiotic Awareness WeekThe World health organization was looking to create an AR Experience for educators to explain basic concepts about Antibiotic Resistance. In Collaboration with OneBigRobot, I helped them with the programming of this fun...
    Antibiotic Awareness WeekThe World health organization was looking to create an AR Experience for educators to explain basic concepts about Antibiotic Resistance. In Collaboration with OneBigRobot, I helped them with the programming of this fun...
    Antibiotic Awareness WeekThe World health organization was looking to create an AR Experience for educators to explain basic concepts about Antibiotic Resistance. In Collaboration with OneBigRobot, I helped them with the programming of this fun...
    Antibiotic Awareness WeekThe World health organization was looking to create an AR Experience for educators to explain basic concepts about Antibiotic Resistance. In Collaboration with OneBigRobot, I helped them with the programming of this fun...
    Antibiotic Awareness WeekThe World health organization was looking to create an AR Experience for educators to explain basic concepts about Antibiotic Resistance. In Collaboration with OneBigRobot, I helped them with the programming of this fun...
  • Antibiotic Awareness Week

    The World health organization was looking to create an AR Experience for educators to explain basic concepts about Antibiotic Resistance. In Collaboration with OneBigRobot, I helped them with the programming of this fun little game in AR where you explore the different aspects and risks of antibiotic resistance.

    You can check out the official WHO site here.

    Or try the app yourself:



  • Free Rivers - AR App for education.I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.
Coming from a...
    Free Rivers - AR App for education.I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.
Coming from a...
    Free Rivers - AR App for education.I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.
Coming from a...
    Free Rivers - AR App for education.I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.
Coming from a...
    Free Rivers - AR App for education.I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.
Coming from a...
    Free Rivers - AR App for education.I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.
Coming from a...
  • Free Rivers - AR App for education.

    I was approached by OneBigRobot to help them extend the functionality of their previously published app Free-Rivers, an educational app that was highlighted during the Apple’s Field trip Conference.

    Coming from a pre-existing codebase with no documentation can be a challenge, but I managed to create a seamless integration that expanded on their original app and added more information regarding how the construction of dams could affect the ecosystem of different parts of the world.

    You can check out the official WWF post here.

    Or try the app yourself:
  • chillclodeth:
“ virgil-is-a-cutie:
“ derpy-creep-face:
“ nepenthesophrosyne:
“ xxlemonade-drinking-ghostxx:
“ fallentitan98:
“ dr-gloom:
“ aidenjaxwrites:
“ rosjon21620:
“ http-royalboy:
“ teamnowalls:
“ lunaaltare:
“ 11thsense:
“Y’all r wildin...
  • Y’all r wildin OUT

  • HELLO?

  • ii but he sexy as fuck tho he could be my gangster penguin ill be his bird 





    K I N G F U C K I N G J U L I A N


  • guys ive seen this before and it makes me so happy you all need to see it too

  • imagined King Julian dancing and had to reblog 😍

  • That is the most accurate human king Julian I’ve EVER seen, I love all of these!


  • Where are the other penguin humansonas?

  • image

    Here is the other two penguins for those asking. But like srsly this dude has A SHITTON of cool art. He is called “Crazy Tom”

  • Private looks like Dan Howell

  • I really don’t know how to react to the Dan Howell comment skgmdkgnfnc

  • That time of the year again

  • “You threw a turkey at me” 😂😂

  • I love white ppl😍

  • White peoples live lifetime movies 😂😂😂

  • tag yourself i’m the one recording.

  • My favorite holiday movie

  • his screams in the background while his mom is crying and picking up the food is my favorite song

  • Let me teach you a thing…

  • What Polyamory is not:

    Polygamy: Polygamy is the practice of marrying several people. It doesn’t sound so bad when you put it like that, but when you talk about it as it is performed the image changes drastically. Polygamy, as it is practiced, often involves one man marrying several women and asserting his dominance over them. He controls them, places rules on them, and this puts them in an environment of cruelty and unfairness.

    This is not Polyamory.

    Harem: A harem is a collection of people often collected for the purpose of sex. Depending on which cultures you look at you might get different versions of the same story, but most of the time the people in the harem are not considered equals.

    This is not Polyamory.

    Cheating: cheating is that act of one partner going behind the back of another to go have relations with someone else. One partner thinks everything is fine the other is clearly unsatisfied in some way. And of course this person didn’t think to communicate their dissatisfaction like an adult would. Instead they chose to lie and do something that could ultimately ruin one if not both of their current relationships.

    This is not Polyamory.

    Now that i’ve told you what Polyamory is not, let me tell you what it is.

    I’ll make it simple: In polyamory…

    …partners are loved and treated as equals.

    …rules can be used but are not recommended.

    …everyone knows what is going on and consents to this type of relationship, if someone does not consent, then the discussion is not over. Go back to the drawing board and figure out how to make it work. And if it can’t work? You need to decide then if everything is going to stay as is or if everything is going to change.

    …partners should be treated in a way that suits their dynamic with each other. trying to be fair and giving everyone the same slice of “pie” usually leaves something to be desired.

    …partners should not be treated as if they are above or below other partners because then everyone is not on equal standing and you make them feel like they have more say or no say in how things are done.

    …everything is discussed openly, emotions are laid bare. No one should be judged for how they feel and no one should foist their feelings onto other people.

    communication, communication, communication. Not discussing everything and not having regular check ins with everyone can and will ruin your relationships faster than you can say quidditch.

    Now there are a lot of different ways to have a polyamorous relationship. By nature a polyamorous relationship is amorphous and will change shape and feel as those within require it to change. Polyamorous relationships don’t come out of a mold factory built over several thousand generations. Polyamorous relationships are built by the hands of those who want them and they are built in a way that suits the builders, not because someone said a particular shape was right and another was wrong.

    People who have multiple sex partners who are all aware of each other and consent to sharing each other are polyamorous.

    People who have multiple romantic partners who are all aware of each other and consent to sharing each other are polyamorous.

    People who have both multiple sex and romantic partners and who yes all consent are, you guessed it, polyamorous.

    Even people who are not romantic or sexual can be considered polyamorous. Because it’s not about romance or sex; it’s about love and trust.

    *drops mic*

  • I love this so much! It helps me process everything. Thank you so much. @ozarkgem I love you.

  • Loved this.

  • @staff all you busted faced bitches had to do was get rid of the pedophiles and child porn. All you had to do was listen to the fucking users. Get rid of the Nazis and pedophiles who are often times the same fucking thing. But instead you crusty cunt hoes made nipples illegal….. Y'all can choke.

  • 1 2 3 4 5
    &. lilac theme by seyche